Discover Trends, Innovations and New Partners
The Longevity Medicine Summit
The Longevity Medicine Summit in Lisbon is set to be a groundbreaking event at the intersection of healthcare, science, wellness and technology, bringing together the brightest minds from Europe and across the globe who are dedicated to extending human healthspan and revolutionizing the future of medicine. Visit the Page of The Longevity Medicine Summit
The World Health Summit is the unique international strategic forum for global health.
Held annually in Berlin, it brings together stakeholders from politics, science, the private sector, and civil society from around the world to set the agenda for a healthier future by
inspiring innovative solutions for better health and well-being for all.
The World Health Summit 2024 takes place from October 13-15 in Berlin, Germany and online under
the theme 'Building Trust for a Healthier World'. Visit the World
Health Summit Page
2023 findet der Kongress „Digital Health: NOW!“ zum dritten Mal statt! Im Fokus stehen die Entwicklung und der Transfer einer telemedizinischen, digital unterstützten Versorgung in Deutschland und in Europa.
Veranstalter sind die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Telemedizin (DGTelemed), das Innovationszentrum Digitale Medizin des Universitätsklinikums RWTH Aachen (IZDM) und die ZTG Zentrum für Telematik und Telemedizin GmbH.
Weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze!
IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Salud Digital RISAD - 22 y 23 de Junio 2023!
La salud del futuro ya está aquí, y tú puedes ser parte de ello. Te invitamos al IV Congreso de Telesalud de RISAD, donde exploraremos las infinitas
posibilidades de la atención en salud a distancia. Descubre cómo la tecnología está rompiendo barreras y acercando la salud a todos. Únete a expertos, innovadores y visionarios en el campo de la
telemedicina y la salud digital. Juntos, construyamos un futuro más accesible, eficiente y humano para la atención médica en Iberoamérica. Para tu inscripción
pulsa aqui!
Representatives from academia and industry attend the annual life sciences event in Berlin to identify, engage and start strategic relationships. The networking character is one strength of BIONNALE with more than 1000 attendees from over 50 countries in 2022. Be part of BIONNALE 2023 and use informative talks and new contacts for your business. We look forward to meeting you online or in Berlin! Register now!
London, May 23 - 24, 2023
This years keynotes and speakers for at the annual conference Digital Health World Congress 2023 in London, UK. These include EY, Oracle, TTP, Google, OMRON, USTWO and many more!
Hurry up and register today!
Bild von Jon Pauling auf Pixabay
The annual gathering of the key players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Madrid. Connect with top minds in innovation from all over the world. Registrations are open
June 7th-9th | La Nave, Madrid
Apoyo para la expansión y globalización de PYMEs!
¿Eres una PYME innovadora con la ambición de competir en nuevos mercados internacionales?
¿Necesitas verificar la viabilidad técnica, comercial, jurídica y socioeconómica de tu innovación en un nuevo mercado?
La Asociación Europea para las PYME Innovadoras / Innowwide te ofrece una visión que va más allá de los estudios de mercado convencionales, la selección de canales de venta y la ayuda a la exportación.
Despeja tu vía de comercialización apoyando proyectos de viabilidad de mercado, creando las condiciones favorables que necesitas para aumentar la aceptación de tu solución innovadora en los mercados globales.
La Asociación Europea para las PYME Innovadoras / Innowwide está cofinanciada por la Unión Europea dentro del programa marco Horizonte Europa. El plazo de Innowwide finaliza el 15 de noviembre. Continúa leyendo...
Únete a la Plataforma de Soluciones Digitales SMILE! Gran oportunidad para las PYMEs y Start-Ups!
Eres una PYME ó Start-Up que quiere co-crear, crecer y colaborar en un ecosistema internacional?
Eres una PYME o Start-Up que tiene una solución innovadora de eHealth que puede tener el potencial de mejorar el cuidado de los pacientes mayores, entonces:
Te invitamos a unirte a la Plataforma de Soluciones Digitales SMILE. El proyecto SMILE (Horizonte 2020) está financiado por la Comisión Europea y Canadá con el objetivo de crear soluciones novedosas de eHealth para personas mayores con problemas de salud graves (demencia, EPOC y transiciones asistenciales durante la recuperación postoperatoria). Como parte del proyecto, el consorcio ha lanzado una plataforma de soluciones digitales inteligentes. Los expertos de SMILE (Living Labs de Dinamarca, Países Bajos, Noruega y Canadá) seleccionarán soluciones del catálogo para realizar pruebas piloto y desarrollar cooperaciones futuras. Inscríbe para y sé parte de nuestra plataforma. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con Theologos Xenakis | Norway Health Tech -
Publicación Recomendada:
Relanzar las relaciones entre América Latina y la Unión Europea Autonomía estratégica, cooperación avanzada y recuperación digital, verde y social Por José Antonio Sanahuja (ed.).
Durante sus últimos meses, la Unión Europea relanzó una agenda birregional más dinámica, con encuentros al máximo nivel, como la reunión de los dirigentes de la UE y de América Latina y el Caribe. Continúa leyendo..
New publication highly recommended:
GoTO: A Process-Navigation Tool for Telehealth and -Care Solutions, Designed to Ensure an Efficient Trajectory from Goal Setting to Outcome Evaluation.
The GoTO process navigator is an intuitive guide for innovation, procurement, and implementation in telehealth and -care. The GoTo navigator can assist providers of digital health and care services throughout the process, from the initial identification of goals to the final evaluation of outcomes. View Full-Text
Infórmate acerca de los eventos y las oportunidades para el desarrollo profesional y la realización de proyectos de cooperación internacional EU-LAC. Visita la página de EURAXESS. Continua leyendo..EURAXESS | Researchers in Motion (
The Global Health Network.
The Global Health Network enables easier, faster, and better research in the world’s most challenging settings! Visit and Read more.
The 20th Bionnale will take place 11-12 May 2022 in Berlin, Germany. Be part of the most important annual meting of the life sciences industry in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.. Read more...
El Centro Universitario de Baviera para América Latina (BAYLAT) es una organización del Ministerio de Ciencias y Artes del Estado Libre de Baviera (StMWK), que fomenta la relación entre Instituciones de Enseñanza Superior de Baviera y América Latina, promociona a Baviera como centro de tecnología e innovación productiva en los países latinoamericanos y promueve la cooperación científica con América Latina. BAYLAT tiene su sede en la Universidad Friedrich-Alexander de Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). El centro de competencia y asesoramiento BAYLAT orienta todos sus esfuerzos a apoyar el desarrollo de las nuevas generaciones de investigadores latinoamericanos y a intensificar las relaciones de cooperación en beneficio mutuo entre ambas regiones.
Visita la página de web e infórmate de las oportunidades:
The EU-Canada collaborative project SMILE, launched in early 2021, is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research with up to €6 million. The SMILE Consortium gathers 13 prestigious organisations from five countries (Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Greece, and Canada). They combine and use their expertise in: innovative user- and participatory design and infrastructuring, innovative care provision hosting living labs, implementing innovative AI-based solutions, infrastructures and smart home devices, technology cluster management excellence, and optimising value chains for health and innovation.
SMILE aims to develop an SLE ecosystem together with disruptive e-health solutions for improving the quality of life of older people in the society. The unique SMILE technology will support aged people to live independently and relatively actively, and will also foster collaboration and learning between the older people and the members of their circles of care.
Read more about the project:
The great divides between countries
Human development has been spurred by changes in technology. But so has inequality. Today's staggering inequalities began to appear with the industrial revolution. The pace of technological change is accelerating due to digitalization and frontier technologies. New technologies can have severe downsides if they outpace a society's ability to adapt. Read more
Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022 4. Health: Current draft of the work programme of the Health Cluster available for viewing .... Read more
Four days, four interconnected
conferences: Medical Venture Validation, DiGA Con, Evidence Con und MDR Con .....Read more
El Congreso Internacional de Salud Digital de San Sebastián se ha celebrado de forma ininterrumpida desde 2014. En 2020 abordamos la séptima edición en un nuevo escenario marcado por la COVID19.
The European Commission announces recommendations for
Covid-19 tracing apps: ensuring privacy and data protection.
The European Commission is coordinating a common European response to the outbreak of COVID-19.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presented the 12th edition of the Global Innovation Index (GII). The special theme for this edition is Creating Healthy Lives—The Future of Medical Innovation. Read more ...
Die NEJM Catalyst und die University of Texas bieten am 16 Oktober ein sehr interessantes Webinar zum Thema"Care Delivery Innovation: Why, How and the Impact" an. Read more .....
Am 18 Juni fand der EU Open for Business Info Day in der symbolträchtigen Hansestadt Lübeck statt. Die von der Europäischen Kommission und dem Enterprise Europe Network durchgeführte Veranstaltung erfreute sich eines regen Interesses. Read more ....
Der Unternehmertag 2019, veranstaltet vom Unternehmerverband Rostock-Mittleres Mecklenburg e.V., wirft seine Schatten voraus. Mit Spannung erwarte ich die Vorträge, die sich diesmal schwerpunktmäßig mit dem Thema Außenhandel/Internationale Geschäfte befassen. Ich freue mich auf ein persönliches Kennenlernen am 25. April in Warnemünde. Read more....
Peter Altmaier setzt, wie berichtet, auf ein Abkommen mit Mercosur noch in 2019. Dieses Abkommen wird den Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Deutschland und den Mitgliedsstaaten von Mercosur einen weiteren wichtigen Schub geben. Read more....
Interesse deutscher Unternehmen an Lateinamerika nimmt zu. Der Außenwirtschaftschef des Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammertages Volker Treier sieht zunehmende Chancen für deutsche Unternehmen.
Am 19.02.2019 fand die Lateinamerika-Konferenz im Haus der Wirtschaft in Berlin statt. Neben Spitzenvertretern aus der Politik, wie der sehr geschätzte Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Energie, Peter Altmaier, waren wieder zahlreiche hochrangige Wirtschaftsvertreter vor Ort. Während der Vorträge und in den Panels konnten Themen angesprochen und vertieft werden. Ich möchte mich noch einmal ganz herzlich bei der LAI und ihrem Vorsitzenden Dr. Reinhold Festge für den gelungenen Tag bedanken und freue mich auf weitere interessante Veranstaltungen.
HIMSS19 Global Conference & Exhibition will take place on
February 11-15, 2019, Orlando, FL, Orange County Convention Center. You can catch all highligths on HIMMS TV.
A path to 2030 based on a People-Centered-Approach and a Global-Perspective
On January 30th. 2019 the European Commission published a „Reflection Paper on a Sustainable Europe by 2030“. This paper gives an excelent overview of The EU's performance on the Sustainable Development Goals and the challenges to overcome for the future. The paper seeks to steer the discussion on how to achieve the defined goals and how the European Union can contritube to a sustainable future in the interest of citizens' well-being worldwide.
Für alle Interessierten findet am 19.02.2019 die Lateinamerika-Konferenz in Berlin statt. Ich werde ebenfalls vor Ort sein. Ich freue mich auf ein persönliches Kennenlernen...
Weltweite Vernetzung fördert bilaterale Partnerschaften und regionale Innovatiosnzentren in Lateinamerika.
"The final conference of the Health Equity Pilot Project (HEPP) took place on the 6th December 2018, in Brussels. This project focused on health inequalities by identifying inequalities in nutrition and physical activity and alcohol consumption and outcomes, as well as the evidence of effective interventions.
During the final conference, there were discussions on the importance to address health inequalities in policy design, the actions to reduce behaviour-related health inequalities, strategies for getting evidence into policy and action, and future work on health inequalities....." Read more......
(Weppage-Source: European Commission, social determinants)
Horizon 2020 is Open to the World. This means that participants from all over the world, regardless of their place of establishment or residence, can participate in most of the calls of Horizon 2020. Furthermore, in many cases, the EU will fund at least partly the participation of the international Partners. See all open and forthcoming calls for tenders and grants (international cooperation) published by EC.
(Webpage-Source: European Commission, funding & tender opportunities)
The European mHealth Hub Digital Magazine
Read the European mHealth Hub Digital Magazine! For leveraging the mHealth potential! Read more.
Digital health care is here to stay. And it is imperative that telehealth services are as safe, secure, and effective as they can be. This joint ISfTeH & URAC webinar will feature leaders from international experts in digital health care: ISfTeH, URAC, GluCare Integrated Diabetes Center, Ain Shams Virtual Hospital and De Montfort University. They will share insights on the value of accreditation in improving patient care while keeping patients and providers safe throughout treatment. They’ll discuss how the validation by an independent accreditor can help organizations grow and thrive in uncertain times. And they’ll share how going through a collaborative accreditation process can give organizations tools for improvement and help staff better focus their efforts on continuous quality improvement. Continue reading...
Short Overview - Horizon Europe the next EU research and innovation programme (2021 - 2027)
Short overview and introduciton of Horizon 2020
Einen Überblick über die Rolle Lateinamerikas in der deutschen Außenpolitik finden Sie auf der Seite des Auswärtigen Amtes.
Short overview about SME Instruments of Horizon 2020