Let's share the

INNOVATION with the world!

Innovation is the guarantee for creation of new jobs and for successfully mastering global challenges.

SMEs, spinning-off, academic organizations and universities are the driving force behind innovation in Europe and worldwide. It is important to encourage this motor to develop full innovation potential based on a global and open culture.

Transnational co-creation and collaboration with international partners enables the balanced and sustainable progress in benefit of Europe but also in benefit of the emerging and developing countries, which close the gaps of the innovation boundaries.

In growing complexity, increasing digitalization, the need of sustainability, financial crisis and changing social structures, it is absolutley important to make optimal use of available resources, knowledge and technologies. Transnational collaboration facilitates the development of synergies with better use of resources and allows the co-creation of „best-solutions and value propositions“ for beneficiaries of goods and services. Successfully internationalization means increased competitiveness, economic growth and acceleration of development by tackling challenges more efficiently.

The European Union, the federal governments, the federal states as well as the private sectors boost the development of a „cross-sectoral and open innovation culture“ that connects „science, education and business“ and give organizations new opportunities to shape their capacities and skills for jointly achievement of regional and global sustainability.

We co-create, innovate and support you along international environments to bringing knowledge, ideas, products and services into global value chains that connect „science, education, business.


For sharing innovation with the world!